Saturday 23 May 2009

You never know...

You never know who you'll bump into went out on the scene it seems !

Flamingos in Bristol hit the national headlines recently when Jordan/Katie Price stopped off for a nights partying after a day horsing around at Badminton.

What seems to be the final straw that caused the infamous Jordan-Andre breakup, Jordan was spotted snogging a barman outside the Bristol club, while he was having a fag break.

So, have your wits about you when out this weekend, who know's who you'll be rubbing shoulders with !

News of the World Article

Sunday 3 May 2009

We're Mobile !

What better way to spend a bank holiday weekend, than slaving over a hot server to bring you another exciting feature !

We are proud to announce that we have launched our mobile site, suited to mobile phone browsers. So if you need to catch up with the latest news from PrideWest, or check out details of the local clubs & bars, point your phone at